If they say you are a Couch Potato…Ouch!

It is someone who prefers to do everything from a sofa, in other words, a lazy person who has a hard time moving from the sofa to perform daily activities. A person who spends long hours lying on a sofa normally watching TV or doing other activities that do not require much effort such as; … More If they say you are a Couch Potato…Ouch!

Phone Classes For Companies

Telephoneteacher offers language lessons by phone and skype™ to companies too. TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES AND LINGUISTIC SOLUTIONS FOR COMPANIES Speak languages from the first class with native teachers. We specialize in meeting your linguistic training needs with time flexibility and individual one-on-one lessons according to the specific needs of each student. We have the guarantee and … More Phone Classes For Companies

Looking Good & Speaking Well

Выделиться из остальных и стать лучшим спикером английского языка. улучшить свой английский язык инвестировать в вашей карьере попробовать бесплатный урок прямо сейчас … говорить и одеваться , чтобы произвести впечатление English Lessons by phone or skype™ with native teachers Learn any language of your choice now. Try a free lesson t.t.® your teacher anytime, anywere http://www.telephoneteacher.net Call … More Looking Good & Speaking Well

Happy Holidays

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. Charles Dickens Happy Holidays Buon Natale Joyeus Nöel Frohe Weihnachten Веселое рождество  from telephoneteacher   Aprender y practicar pronunciación con vocabulario en inglés del día a día »Listo/a para aprender a hablar inglés de verdad, con fluidez y confianza? pues … More Happy Holidays

Looking Good & Speaking Well

Выделиться из остальных и стать лучшим спикером английского языка. улучшить свой английский язык инвестировать в вашей карьере попробовать бесплатный урок прямо сейчас … говорить и одеваться , чтобы произвести впечатление English Lessons by phone or skype™ with native teachers Learn any language of your choice now. Try a free lesson t.t.® your teacher anytime, anywere http://www.telephoneteacher.net Call … More Looking Good & Speaking Well